After our departure in Stuttgart on Saturday we made a short stop in Karlsruhe and then left towards Gibraltar. The first night we spent on a field in the french hinterland. There we quickly realized how much we can make our lifes easier if loading our car more efficiently…
The second stop was right in the heart of Bordeaux. For our overnight stay we chose exactly the one spot that was reserved for the next day’s market stands. Early in the morning we therefore were chased away by some “not amused” vendors.
Further west the route continued through Spain. Shortly after crossing the border we had the first break: A heavy accident took place inside a tunnel right ahead of us. On our freeway service area we suddenly were surrounded by reporters, vehicels and task forces who set up tents and emergency beds.
Since the nights in the L300 so far actually were really cold, we were hoping for a warmer scenery when driving towards Madrid. Instead we encountered the first snow of the year. That’s why the following night in the heart of Spain was even colder. The view the next morning though was definitely worth it!
Staying one day in Madrid we visited some friends. During the day they gave us a city tour, and in the evening we went to some bars.
For today we set ourselves the goal to arrive Gibraltar, in order to get on the first ferry tomorrow in the early morning. 650km, let’s go!
Hey Jungs, weiterhin good luck. Ich würde gerne mit Euch tauschen.
Hallo Philipp und Freunde,
wir werden euere Reise mit großem Interesse verfolgen und sind schon gespannt was ihr als Nächstes berichtet. Wir wünschen euch alles Gute.
Liebe Grüße Eva und Familie
wir freuen uns über Eure Kommentare und sind in Gedanken mit guten Wünschen bei Euch!